

To whom it may concern,

I have been living in a dream world. A world of a Technological age. A super information highway right of passage. I have come to find out that through all my Paranoia, Big Brother is really not that Big. Yes his arms stretch from sea to shinning sea, and his eyes can look upon the earth and count the

hairs upon a mans head. From thousands of miles in space they can listen to a single conversation. What I have found is that even with this vast technology, they can not be everywhere at one time. The amount of data is to vast to listen to each call, monitor each email, and scan every fingerprint on the earth. That is now, but soon the world will be a closed environment.

Slowly the forces in government are beginning to come together to share information but they have moved to slowly. There are those that find this disturbing. As we pass into the 21st century I have prayed for a change a revolution. People of the world are giving up their rights to be more secure and safe. What has this world come to? Where is the future without any privacy? Where is the freedom that we each have been granted by the bill of rights in the United States? The USA has fallen from its Democracy and turned into an Imperial Republic. It is not the responsibility of this nation to embark on peacekeeping missions. Why should we risk the lives of our youth to further the cause of freedom to a people that do not fight for it themselves? America should allow the countries of the world to solve their differences independently and not engage in private Civil Wars. We are not here for that purpose. Our own nation suffers and we worry about foreign policy. Are we so righteous as to ignore our own problems, yet try to solve others disputes that are none of our business?

Because of this and the other sick problems with this country, I renounce my US Citizenship. I follow my own path, and will follow my own laws of righteous indignation. Only Gods law is law. His laws are simple and easy to understand. Payments for crimes are not carried out in stretches of life times. Commit Murder and DIE. It is my firm belief that GOD has spoken to me. He has told me that the world as we have known it will end at 11:45AM on MAY 04th 2000. The year 2000 computer problem is but an ant on a mountain in comparison to the mass destruction that will occur on that day, the day of the Alignment. Those that listen and act will live; those that laugh at this will die. I am telling you these things in hope that you understand and wish for a better world. God has never steered me wrong or falsely Prophesied to me or his faithful.

Computers are an instrument, a tool, and not beings to be worshipped. I know many people who spend more time looking at their screen than reading the word of GOD. Do not worry for in the year 2000 you will know of Gods disappointment with the human race. He is the cause of the year 2000 bug. Inancient times, man worshipped idols of gold and silver. Now in the modern today man worships silicon, copper and plastic. The concept is the same just different objects of worship. Perhaps you are laughing at this, but think of this. Are you so sure man has the ability to fix the problem. I work as a Central WAN Administrator in a Network Operations Center at a 50 billion dollar Bank in America. I control over 5000 servers each day and monitor traffic and communications. I have seen the solutions to the Y2K problem, and each one I have seen works, for a short period of time then fails. The problem lies not with your own systems, but with the systems that communicate with you. Everyone and I mean everyone, must be Y2K compliant in order to affect the change. The possibility of missing one PC or one Program line is far to great. On January 1st you will begin to witness the downfall of this age of Man. Those that recover quickly and overcome their own problems will find that their efforts have been in vain when the attempt to communicate with others.

NASA computers have already predicted the earth’s movement of .00002 degrees

due to the gravitational forces at 11:45AM on MAY 04th 2000. Are you so blind that you do not see that the world is a very delicate place, with each

area on the earth attuned to their environment? The shift does not seem that

much does it? On a global scale that is enormous. With the way that man has all but destroyed the Ozone layer a simple shift in planetary alignment will cause flooding from the melting of the polar caps. Listen to what I am telling you. The Scientist of this world have concluded that by telling you these things the people of the earth will mass panic. And they are praying and hoping that what I have told you will never come to pass. Do not be so blind; do not be so reluctant to hear the ramblings of an unknown.

If I am wrong, what did you loose? If I am right and you ignore me, you will

loose the most important thing to you that matters. Your Life. God said that

he would not destroy the world by water again. He never said that he would not destroy the world through other means. Those of you that believe in the right to information, I urge you to consider what I have said. I have dealt with many of your kind, and deep down inside I realize that you are the future of mans woes.

Those that know will prosper. Know what? Information my friends. Not just on

the PC but about life. How to survive. How to live in a world where it is you against everyone. Against all hope I urge you to lay down your petty convictions against each other. The answer unfortunately is no, we cannot all get along until you put aside your hatred, your imperialist natures. Information and life should be free. Unfortunately in today’s world each one comes with a price. Perhaps in the New World you will work for a truly free nation.

Live well and Die as equally well,

Your Comments are welcome
